
112 lines
1.9 KiB

[BITS 16]
; Set up the segment registers
xor ax, ax
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
; Set up stack and jump to main
mov ss, ax
mov sp, 0x7c00
jmp main
; Print 'Booting ClassicOS!' to the screen
mov si, message
mov ah, 0x0e
test al, al
jz .done
int 0x10
jmp .loop
; Set the video mode to a 40 column text mode
mov ax, 0x0003 ; Set up a 80x25 text mode
int 0x10
; Set the number of columns to 40
mov ax, 0x1112
mov bx, 0x0007
int 0x10
; Detect floppy disk drive
mov ah, 0x08
int 0x13
cmp ah, 0
jne .error
; Handle disk detection error
; Display error message or take appropriate action
; Read sectors from floppy disk
mov ah, 0x02
mov al, 1 ; Number of sectors to read
mov ch, 0 ; Cylinder/Track number
mov cl, 2 ; Sector number (starting from 1)
mov dh, 0 ; Head number
mov dl, 0 ; Drive number (0 for floppy disk)
mov bx, buffer ; Destination buffer
mov es, bx
xor bx, bx
int 0x13
jc .error ; Check carry flag for error
; Handle read error
; Display error message or take appropriate action
; Bootloader entry point
; Call the set_video_mode function
call set_video_mode
; Clear the screen
mov ah, 0x06
mov al, 0
xor bx, bx
xor cx, cx
mov dh, 24
mov dl, 39
int 0x10
; Call the print function
call print
; Wait for a key press to exit the loop
mov ah, 0x00
int 0x16
; Call the detect_disk function
call detect_disk
; Call the read_sectors function
call read_sectors
; Infinite loop
jmp .loop
; Message to print
message db 'Booting ClassicOS!', 0
; Buffer to store read sectors
buffer times 512 db 0
times 510-($-$$) db 0
dw 0xaa55