This fixes the majority of the issues but mainly adds get_free_size that exists in the main() and a missing include for memcpy etc #5

gbowne1 wants to merge 1 commits from gbowne1-fixesimplmerge into main

My bad.

Fixed a missing include so that memcpy and get_heap_size worked and because that was inlcuded in main() I added that.

Fixed a minor typo in the extended_heap function that caused some other issues.

This should work fine. Yeah its getting to be a big program. It probably would need to be disassembled for further optimization. Theres a few other things I want to add.. but if you want optimization......

My bad. Fixed a missing include so that memcpy and get_heap_size worked and because that was inlcuded in main() I added that. Fixed a minor typo in the extended_heap function that caused some other issues. This should work fine. Yeah its getting to be a big program. It probably would need to be disassembled for further optimization. Theres a few other things I want to add.. but if you want optimization......
gbowne1 added 1 commit 2024-02-14 19:09:49 -08:00
Karutoh closed this pull request 2024-03-02 06:42:20 -08:00

Pull request closed

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Reference: Karutoh/CustomHeapManager#5
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