adding files as they are from deesix on my IRC via pastebin

This commit is contained in:
Gregory Kenneth Bowne 2024-09-13 13:18:45 -07:00
parent f4f71fd3c2
commit 82e910ca86
3 changed files with 540 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ boot:
mov [disk],dl mov [disk],dl
mov ah, 0x2 ;read sectors mov ah, 0x2 ;read sectors
mov al, 6 ;sectors to read mov al, 64 ;sectors to read
mov ch, 0 ;cylinder idx mov ch, 0 ;cylinder idx
mov dh, 0 ;head idx mov dh, 0 ;head idx
mov cl, 2 ;sector idx mov cl, 2 ;sector idx
@ -30,22 +30,37 @@ boot:
mov gs, ax mov gs, ax
mov ss, ax mov ss, ax
jmp CODE_SEG:boot2 jmp CODE_SEG:boot2
; access(8)
; P:present(1) DPL:descriptor_privilege_level(2)
; S:descriptor_type(1) E:executable(1) DC:direction/conforming(1)
; RW:readable/writable(1) A:accessed(1)
; flags(4)
; G:granularity(1) DB:size(1) L:long_mode_code(1) Reserved(1)
gdt_start: gdt_start:
dq 0x0 dq 0x0000000000000000 ; null descriptor
gdt_code: gdt_code:
dw 0xFFFF dw 0xFFFF ; limit_0_15(16)
dw 0x0 dw 0x0000 ; base_0_15(16)
db 0x0 db 0x00 ; base_16_23(8)
db 10011010b db 10011010b ; P(1)=1=present DPL(2)=00=ring0 S(1)=1=non_system E(1)=1=code
db 11001111b ; DC(1)=0=same_ring RW(1)=1=readable A(1)=0=not_accessed
db 0x0 db 11001111b ; G(1)=1=page, DB(1)=1=32b, L(1)=0=non_64b Reserved(1)=0=_
; limit_16_19(4)=1111
db 0x00 ; base_24_31(8)
gdt_data: gdt_data:
dw 0xFFFF dw 0xFFFF ; limit_0_15(16)
dw 0x0 dw 0x0000 ; base_0_15(16)
db 0x0 db 0x00 ; base_16_23(8)
db 10010010b db 10010010b ; P(1)=1=present DPL(2)=00=ring0 S(1)=1=non_system E(1)=0=data
db 11001111b ; DC(1)=0=grows_up RW(1)=1=rw A(1)=0=not_accessed
db 0x0 db 11001111b ; G(1)=1=page DB(1)=1=32b_sp L(1)=0=_ Reserved(1)=0=_
; limit_16_19(4)=1111
db 0x00 ; base_24_31(8)
gdt_end: gdt_end:
gdt_pointer: gdt_pointer:
dw gdt_end - gdt_start dw gdt_end - gdt_start

29 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
set -e
# TODO: Check the compiler does x86
if [ "$1" = "build" ]; then
printf "Assembling bootloader...\n"
nasm -f elf32 boot.asm -o boot.o
printf "Compiling...\n"
gcc \
-save-temps \
-std=c99 -m32 \
-fno-pic \
-mgeneral-regs-only \
-ffreestanding -nostdlib \
-Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic \
kernel.c boot.o \
-o kernel.bin \
-T linker.ld
if [ "$1" = "boot" ]; then
printf "Booting...\n\n"
MACHINE="-machine pc -cpu 486"
qemu-system-i386 $MACHINE -net none -serial stdio -drive file=kernel.bin,index=0,if=floppy,format=raw

View File

@ -1,13 +1,488 @@
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h> #include <stdint.h>
bool terminate = false;
static inline void outb(uint16_t port, uint8_t val)
__asm__ volatile ("outb %b0, %w1" : : "a"(val), "Nd"(port) : "memory");
static inline uint8_t inb(uint16_t port)
uint8_t ret;
__asm__ volatile ("inb %w1, %b0" : "=a"(ret) : "Nd"(port) : "memory");
return ret;
static inline void io_wait(void)
outb(0x80, 0);
#define PORT 0x3f8 // COM1
void init_serial(void)
// Enable "data available" interrupt.
outb(PORT + 1, 0x01);
// Use only when there _is_ something to read.
char read_serial()
return inb(PORT);
int is_transmit_empty()
return inb(PORT + 5) & 0x20;
void write_serial(char a)
while (is_transmit_empty() == 0);
outb(PORT, a);
#undef PORT
* Convert numbers to hexadecimal chars.
char nibble_to_hex(int n)
if (n>=0 && n<10) return (n+48);
else if (n>=10 && n<16) return (n+55+32);
else return '?';
void int_to_hex(char *hex, uint64_t a, size_t size)
int i = 0;
int divisor = size << 3;
while (divisor != 0) {
divisor -= 4;
hex[i] = nibble_to_hex((a >> divisor) & 0xF);
i += 1;
void u8_to_hex (char *s, uint8_t a) { int_to_hex(s, a, 1); }
void u16_to_hex(char *s, uint16_t a) { int_to_hex(s, a, 2); }
void u32_to_hex(char *s, uint32_t a) { int_to_hex(s, a, 4); }
void u64_to_hex(char *s, uint64_t a) { int_to_hex(s, a, 8); }
* Logging functions.
// Use serial for log output.
#define PUTCHAR write_serial
// Sends buffer of a given size to the log.
void klog(char *buff, int size)
for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) PUTCHAR(buff[i]);
// Like klog but also sends a newline character.
void klogl(char *buff, int size)
klog(buff, size); PUTCHAR('\n');
// Sends a NUL-terminated string to the log (not including the NUL).
void klogs(const char *str)
while(*str) PUTCHAR(*str++);
#undef PUTCHAR
// Functions that send integers to the log, in hex (without 0x prefix).
#define B hexbuff
#define D char B[16] = {0}
void klog_u8 (uint8_t a) { D; u8_to_hex (B, a); klog(B, 2) ; }
void klog_u16(uint16_t a) { D; u16_to_hex(B, a); klog(B, 4) ; }
void klog_u32(uint32_t a) { D; u32_to_hex(B, a); klog(B, 8) ; }
void klog_u64(uint64_t a) { D; u64_to_hex(B, a); klog(B, 16); }
// These send a newline character too.
void klogl_u8 (uint8_t a) { D; u8_to_hex (B, a); klogl(B, 2) ; }
void klogl_u16(uint16_t a) { D; u16_to_hex(B, a); klogl(B, 4) ; }
void klogl_u32(uint32_t a) { D; u32_to_hex(B, a); klogl(B, 8) ; }
void klogl_u64(uint64_t a) { D; u64_to_hex(B, a); klogl(B, 16); }
#undef D
#undef B
void demo_klog_functions(void)
klogs("\nCheck; one, two, one, two.\n");
#define PIC1 0x20 /* IO base address for master PIC */
#define PIC2 0xA0 /* IO base address for slave PIC */
#define PIC1_DATA (PIC1+1)
#define PIC2_DATA (PIC2+1)
#define ICW1_ICW4 0x01 /* Indicates that ICW4 will be present */
#define ICW1_INIT 0x10 /* Initialization - required! */
#define ICW4_8086 0x01 /* 8086/88 (MCS-80/85) mode */
void pic_remap(int offset)
uint8_t a1, a2;
// save masks
a1 = inb(PIC1_DATA); a2 = inb(PIC2_DATA);
// starts the initialization sequence (in cascade mode)
outb(PIC1_COMMAND, ICW1_INIT | ICW1_ICW4); io_wait();
outb(PIC2_COMMAND, ICW1_INIT | ICW1_ICW4); io_wait();
// ICW2: Master PIC vector offset
outb(PIC1_DATA, offset); io_wait();
// ICW2: Slave PIC vector offset
outb(PIC2_DATA, offset+8); io_wait();
// ICW3: tell Master PIC that there is a slave PIC at IRQ2 (0000 0100)
outb(PIC1_DATA, 4); io_wait();
// ICW3: tell Slave PIC its cascade identity (0000 0010)
outb(PIC2_DATA, 2); io_wait();
// ICW4: have the PICs use 8086 mode (and not 8080 mode)
outb(PIC1_DATA, ICW4_8086); io_wait();
outb(PIC2_DATA, ICW4_8086); io_wait();
// restore saved masks.
outb(PIC1_DATA, a1); outb(PIC2_DATA, a2);
void pic_end_of_irq(int irq)
if (irq >= 8) outb(PIC2_COMMAND, 0x20);
outb(PIC1_COMMAND, 0x20);
struct gdt_descriptor
uint16_t limit;
uint32_t base;
} __attribute__((packed));
void sgdt(struct gdt_descriptor *gdtd)
__asm__ volatile ("sgdt %0" : : "m"(*gdtd) : "memory");
void klog_info_about_gdt(void)
struct gdt_descriptor gdtd;
klogs("**\n GDT info:\n");
// For each (8 bytes long) entry in the table...
for (uint32_t b = gdtd.base; b < gdtd.base + gdtd.limit; b += 8) {
// ... log each byte, in hex.
for (uint32_t i = b; i < b + 8; ++i) {
struct idt_gate_descriptor
uint16_t offset_1; // offset bits 0..15
uint16_t selector; // a code segment selector in GDT or LDT
uint8_t zero; // unused, set to 0
uint8_t type_attributes; // gate type, dpl, and p fields
uint16_t offset_2; // offset bits 16..31
} __attribute__((packed));
#define PIC_REMAP_OFFSET 0x20
// The IDT begins with gates for the exceptions; we remap the PIC to start at
// some point after them. For the PIC IRQs that's 16 gates more. If we define
// our software interrupts... we'll have to make room.
struct idt_gate_descriptor idt[IDT_NUM_GATES] = {0};
static inline void lidt(void)
struct {
uint16_t limit;
void *base;
} __attribute__((packed)) src = { IDT_NUM_GATES * 8 - 1, idt };
__asm__ ("lidt %0" : : "m"(src) );
struct interrupt_frame; // Not defined yet, but we need a pointer to it.
#define GATE_F void (*f)(struct interrupt_frame *)
#define GATE_WITH_ERR_F void (*f)(struct interrupt_frame *, uint32_t)
#define FOR_INTR 0x8e /* Present, DPL 0, 32b interrupt gate */
#define FOR_TRAP 0x8f /* Present, DPL 0, 32b trap gate */
struct idt_gate_descriptor gate(uint8_t type_attributes, uint32_t f)
return (struct idt_gate_descriptor){
.type_attributes = type_attributes,
.selector = 0x0008, // Our code segment in GDT, ring0 requested.
.offset_1 = (uint16_t)(f & 0xffff),
.offset_2 = (uint16_t)((f>>16) & 0xffff),
.zero = 0x00
void klog_idt_gate_update(int n)
klogs(" "); klog_u8(n);
void set_irq_handler(size_t irq, GATE_F)
idt[irq + PIC_REMAP_OFFSET] = gate(FOR_INTR, (uint32_t)f);
void set_exception_with_err_handler(size_t number, GATE_WITH_ERR_F)
idt[number] = gate(FOR_TRAP, (uint32_t)f);
void set_exception_handler(size_t number, GATE_F)
idt[number] = gate(FOR_TRAP, (uint32_t)f);
#undef FOR_TRAP
#undef FOR_INTR
#undef GATE_F
void pic_clear_irq(uint8_t irq)
uint16_t port;
uint8_t value;
if(irq < 8) {
port = PIC1_DATA;
} else {
port = PIC2_DATA; irq -= 8;
value = inb(port) & ~(1 << irq);
outb(port, value);
void pic_mask_all_irqs(void)
outb(PIC1_DATA, 0xff); outb(PIC2_DATA, 0xff);
static inline void sti(void)
__asm__ volatile ("sti");
void panic(void)
klogs("Panic: halt.");
__asm__ volatile ("cli; hlt;");
void exception_with_err_handler(struct interrupt_frame *frame, uint32_t error_code)
klogs("\n(generic handler) Exception with err "); klogl_u32(error_code);
void exception_handler(struct interrupt_frame *frame)
klogs("\n(generic handler) Exception\n");
void exception_de(struct interrupt_frame *frame)
klogs("\nException: Divide Error.\n");
void exception_gp(struct interrupt_frame *frame, uint32_t error_code)
klogs("\nException: General Protection; error code "); klogl_u32(error_code);
void irq1_handler(struct interrupt_frame *frame)
uint8_t k = inb(0x60);
klogs("Key: "); klogl_u8(k);
if (k == /* q */ 0x90) terminate = true;
void irq4_handler(struct interrupt_frame *frame)
uint8_t c = read_serial();
write_serial(c); // Echo.
// Testing stuff when receiving some chars.
if (c == 'q') terminate = true;
if (c == '0')
__asm__ volatile ("mov $0, %bl; div %bl"); // Division by zero.
if (c == 'f')
__asm__ volatile ("int $13;"); // General Protection fault.
void init_interrupts(void)
klogs("**\n Init interrupts\n");
klogs("Preparing PIC.\n");
klogs("Init exceptions.\n");
#define A(n) set_exception_handler(n, &exception_handler)
#define B(n) set_exception_with_err_handler(n, &exception_with_err_handler)
set_exception_handler(0, &exception_de);
A(1); A(2); A(3); A(4); A(5); A(6); A(7); B(8); A(9);
B(10); B(11); B(12);
set_exception_with_err_handler(13, &exception_gp);
B(14); A(15); A(16); B(17); A(18); A(19);
A(20); B(21); A(28); B(29); B(30);
#undef B
#undef A
klogs("\nInit IRQs.\n");
// Assign handlers to hardware interrupts.
// Use the IRQ number here (the offset is applied elsewhere).
set_irq_handler(1, &irq1_handler); // Keyboard.
set_irq_handler(4, &irq4_handler); // Serial.
// Make our IDT the active one.
// Unmask hardware interrupts that we're ready to handle.
// Start accepting IRQs (that is... from the PIC).
void kmain(void) void kmain(void)
{ {
const uint16_t color = 0x0F00; init_serial();
const char *hello = "Hello C world!"; klogs("Hello from kmain!\n");
volatile uint16_t *vga = (volatile uint16_t *)0xb8000; demo_klog_functions();
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) init_interrupts();
const uint16_t color = 0x7e00;
volatile uint16_t *vga = (volatile uint16_t *)0xb8000;
const char *hello = "Hello! Please, see serial output.";
for (int i = 0; hello[i] != 0; ++i) {
vga[i + 80] = color | (uint16_t)hello[i]; vga[i + 80] = color | (uint16_t)hello[i];
} }
klogs("\n\n**\n Ready!\n");
"(accepting input from keyboard)\n"
" type q to return from kmain\n"
" key info sent to serial\n"
"(accepting input from serial, with echo)\n"
" send q to return from kmain\n"
" send f to invoke GPF\n"
" send 0 to trigger divide by zero\n"
while (!terminate) {
__asm__ volatile ("hlt");
klogs("\nkmain returning now... o/\n");
} }