Arron David Nelson Karutoh
  • Prineville, Oregon
  • Joined on 2023-11-12
Karutoh pushed to main at EventHorizonStudio/EHS 2024-02-01 20:29:00 -08:00
3f592f73e8 Documented Array and Vector containers.
80744abcc3 Documented Array and Vector containers.
0996f16482 URI class is now documented.
c7ddeff3fb Type class is now documented.
227188243e Fixed UDP/TCP sockets and documented BaseObj class.
Compare 10 commits »
Karutoh pushed tag v1.1.0 to EventHorizonStudio/EHS 2024-02-01 20:29:00 -08:00
Karutoh pushed to docs at EventHorizonStudio/EHS 2024-02-01 20:26:35 -08:00
3f592f73e8 Documented Array and Vector containers.
Karutoh pushed to docs at EventHorizonStudio/EHS 2024-02-01 20:10:03 -08:00
80744abcc3 Documented Array and Vector containers.
Karutoh pushed to docs at EventHorizonStudio/EHS 2024-02-01 20:03:16 -08:00
0996f16482 URI class is now documented.
Karutoh pushed to docs at EventHorizonStudio/EHS 2024-02-01 20:00:31 -08:00
c7ddeff3fb Type class is now documented.
Karutoh pushed to docs at EventHorizonStudio/EHS 2024-02-01 19:56:11 -08:00
227188243e Fixed UDP/TCP sockets and documented BaseObj class.
Karutoh pushed to docs at EventHorizonStudio/EHS 2024-02-01 19:36:34 -08:00
c2cbb35cdf UDP and TCP sockets are documented.
Karutoh pushed to docs at EventHorizonStudio/EHS 2024-02-01 17:34:26 -08:00
57c806ee8c Fixed calls to DNS::Resolve.
Karutoh pushed to docs at EventHorizonStudio/EHS 2024-02-01 17:24:43 -08:00
e48a3fd750 Documented and improved DNS::Resolve. Readme has been adjusted to changes.
Karutoh pushed to docs at EventHorizonStudio/EHS 2024-02-01 17:13:00 -08:00
beaa7cb034 Added a default log callback and attached the console at start.
Karutoh created branch docs in EventHorizonStudio/EHS 2024-02-01 17:05:02 -08:00
Karutoh pushed to docs at EventHorizonStudio/EHS 2024-02-01 17:05:02 -08:00
6fa7729253 Added and adjusted docs for Str class.
Karutoh opened issue EventHorizonStudio/EHS#4 2024-02-01 02:46:41 -08:00
Improved Reflection
Karutoh pushed to main at EventHorizonStudio/EHS 2024-02-01 02:43:41 -08:00
449f1c1496 Added to readme.
Karutoh pushed to main at EventHorizonStudio/EHS 2024-02-01 02:41:37 -08:00
f129e9826c Changed to simpler name.
Karutoh pushed to main at EventHorizonStudio/EHS 2024-02-01 02:40:48 -08:00
aa30628b38 Changed to simpler name.
Karutoh opened issue EventHorizonStudio/EHS#3 2024-02-01 02:38:54 -08:00
Option For Using CRT/STD
Karutoh opened issue EventHorizonStudio/EHS#2 2024-02-01 02:22:38 -08:00
Fix & Create Documentation
Karutoh opened issue EventHorizonStudio/EHS#1 2024-02-01 02:18:39 -08:00
Image/Audio Codec Plugins