Moved Over To OOP to Abstract ELF Binary Generation #1

Karutoh merged 5 commits from oop into main 2024-02-15 15:48:45 -08:00
2 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions
Showing only changes of commit ecf6f0512d - Show all commits

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@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
/// A symbol defined in the current component is protected if it is visible in other components but not preemptable, meaning that any reference to such a symbol from within the defining component must be resolved to the definition in that component, even if there is a definition in another component that would preempt by the default rules. A symbol with STB_LOCAL binding may not have STV_PROTECTED visibility. If a symbol definition with STV_PROTECTED visibility from a shared object is taken as resolving a reference from an executable or another shared object, the SHN_UNDEF symbol table entry created has STV_DEFAULT visibility.
#define SYM_VIS_PROTECTED 0x03
#define SYM_SIZE 24
#define SYMH_SIZE 24
class ELF64_Sym

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@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ ehs::SInt_32 Main(ehs::Str_8* appName, ehs::Str_8* appVerId, ehs::Version* appVe
ELF64_Section symTab(".symtab", 0, SECH_TYPE_SYMTAB, 0, 0, 8);
ehs::Serializer<ehs::UInt_64>& symTabData = symTab.GetData();
ELF64_Sym nullSym;