390 lines
14 KiB
390 lines
14 KiB
bl_info = {
"name": "Export Event Horizon Model (.ehm)",
"author": "Arron Nelson (AKA Karutoh)",
"version": (1, 0, 0),
"blender": (3, 1, 0),
"location": "File > Export > EHM",
"description": "The script exports Blender geometry to a Event Horizon Model file format.",
"category": "Import-Export"
import sys
import struct
import mathutils
import bmesh
import bpy
from bpy_extras.io_utils import ExportHelper, axis_conversion
from bpy.props import StringProperty, BoolProperty, EnumProperty
from bpy.types import Operator, Mesh
PropertyChange.type == 0 //X-Axis Position
PropertyChange.type == 1 //Y-Axis Position
PropertyChange.type == 2 //Z-Axis Position
PropertyChange.type == 3 //X-Axis Scale
PropertyChange.type == 4 //Y-Axis Scale
PropertyChange.type == 5 //Z-Axis Scale
PropertyChange.type == 6 //X-Axis Rotation (Quat)
PropertyChange.type == 7 //Y-Axis Rotation (Quat)
PropertyChange.type == 8 //Z-Axis Rotation (Quat)
PropertyChange.type == 9 //W-Axis Rotation (Quat)
class KeyFrame:
def __init__(self, num, timeStamp):
self.num = num
self.timeStamp = timeStamp
self.pos = mathutils.Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
self.rot = mathutils.Quaternion()
self.scale = mathutils.Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
class BoneAnimation:
def __init__(self, id):
self.id = id
self.keyFrames = []
def GetKeyFrame(self, num):
for frame in self.keyFrames:
if frame.num == num:
return frame
return None
def AddKeyFrame(self, keyFrame):
if self.GetKeyFrame(keyFrame.num) != None:
return None
return self.keyFrames[len(self.keyFrames) - 1]
def Triangulate(mesh):
edit = bmesh.new()
bmesh.ops.triangulate(edit, faces = edit.faces, quad_method='BEAUTY', ngon_method='BEAUTY')
def FindBIndexByGIndex(mesh, gi, skeletons):
for s in skeletons:
for bi, b in enumerate(s.data.bones):
if mesh.vertex_groups.find(b.name) == gi:
return bi
return 0xFF
def ExportSkeletons(bytes, skeletons):
if len(skeletons) >= 1:
#Bone Count
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<B", len(skeletons[0].data.bones)))
for b in skeletons[0].data.bones:
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<Q", len(b.name)))
flipMatrix = axis_conversion(from_forward='Y', from_up='Z', to_forward='Z', to_up='Y').to_4x4()
if b.parent is None:
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<B", 0xFF))
WriteMat4(bytes, flipMatrix @ b.matrix_local);
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<B", skeletons[0].data.bones.find(b.parent.name)))
WriteMat4(bytes, flipMatrix @ (b.parent.matrix_local.inverted() @ b.matrix_local));
WriteMat4(bytes, (flipMatrix @ b.matrix_local).inverted());
#Bone Count
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<B", 0))
def ExportAnimations(bytes, skeletons, animations):
if len(skeletons) >= 1:
fps = bpy.context.scene.render.fps / bpy.context.scene.render.fps_base
#Animation Count
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<Q", len(animations)))
for a in animations:
bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = skeletons[0]
bpy.context.object.animation_data.action = a
#Animation Name
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<Q", len(a.name)))
duration = 0.0
boneAnims = []
for i, b in enumerate(skeletons[0].data.bones):
for f in a.fcurves:
if f.data_path == f'pose.bones["{b.name}"].location':
result = None
for ba in boneAnims:
if ba.id == i:
result = ba
if result == None:
result = boneAnims[len(boneAnims) - 1]
for k in f.keyframe_points:
keyFrame = result.GetKeyFrame(k.co.x)
if keyFrame == None:
keyFrame = result.AddKeyFrame(KeyFrame(k.co.x, k.co.x / fps))
if keyFrame.timeStamp > duration:
duration = keyFrame.timeStamp
if f.array_index == 0:
keyFrame.pos.x = k.co.y
elif f.array_index == 1:
keyFrame.pos.z = k.co.y
elif f.array_index == 2:
keyFrame.pos.y = k.co.y
elif f.data_path == f'pose.bones["{b.name}"].scale':
result = None
for ba in boneAnims:
if ba.id == i:
result = ba
if result == None:
result = boneAnims[len(boneAnims) - 1]
for k in f.keyframe_points:
keyFrame = result.GetKeyFrame(k.co.x)
if keyFrame == None:
keyFrame = result.AddKeyFrame(KeyFrame(k.co.x, k.co.x / fps))
if keyFrame.timeStamp > duration:
duration = keyFrame.timeStamp
if f.array_index == 0:
keyFrame.scale.x = k.co.y
elif f.array_index == 1:
keyFrame.scale.z = k.co.y
elif f.array_index == 2:
keyFrame.scale.y = k.co.y
elif f.data_path == f'pose.bones["{b.name}"].rotation_quaternion':
result = None
for ba in boneAnims:
if ba.id == i:
result = ba
if result == None:
result = boneAnims[len(boneAnims) - 1]
for k in f.keyframe_points:
keyFrame = result.GetKeyFrame(k.co.x)
if keyFrame == None:
keyFrame = result.AddKeyFrame(KeyFrame(k.co.x, k.co.x / fps))
if keyFrame.timeStamp > duration:
duration = keyFrame.timeStamp
if f.array_index == 0:
keyFrame.rot.w = k.co.y
elif f.array_index == 1:
keyFrame.rot.x = k.co.y
elif f.array_index == 2:
keyFrame.rot.y = k.co.y
elif f.array_index == 3:
keyFrame.rot.z = k.co.y
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<f", duration))
#Change Count
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<B", len(boneAnims)))
for ba in boneAnims:
#Bone Id
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<B", ba.id))
#Key Frame Count
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<Q", len(ba.keyFrames)))
for kf in ba.keyFrames:
#Key Frame Number
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<f", kf.num))
#Key Frame Time Stamp
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<f", kf.timeStamp))
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<f", kf.pos.x))
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<f", kf.pos.y))
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<f", kf.pos.z))
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<f", kf.rot.w))
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<f", kf.rot.x))
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<f", kf.rot.y))
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<f", kf.rot.z))
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<f", kf.scale.x))
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<f", kf.scale.y))
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<f", kf.scale.z))
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<Q", 0))
def WriteMat4(bytes, mat):
for x in range(4):
for y in range(4):
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<f", mat[y][x]))
def WriteMeshes(bytes, meshes, skeletons, animations):
newTrans = axis_conversion(from_forward='Y', from_up='Z', to_forward='Z', to_up='Y').to_4x4()
#Mesh Count
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<Q", len(meshes)))
for mesh in meshes:
vertBuff = []
uvBuff = []
faceBuff = []
#Mesh Name Count
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<Q", len(mesh.name)))
#Mesh Name
for i, loop in enumerate(mesh.data.loops):
thisVertex = mesh.data.vertices[loop.vertex_index]
thisUV = mesh.data.uv_layers.active.data[i].uv
#check if already in the list
found = 0
for i in range(len(vertBuff)):
if(abs(vertBuff[i].co.x - thisVertex.co.x) <= max(1e-09 * max(abs(vertBuff[i].co.x), abs(thisVertex.co.x)), 0.0)):
if(abs(vertBuff[i].co.y - thisVertex.co.y) <= max(1e-09 * max(abs(vertBuff[i].co.y), abs(thisVertex.co.y)), 0.0)):
if(abs(vertBuff[i].co.z - thisVertex.co.z) <= max(1e-09 * max(abs(vertBuff[i].co.z), abs(thisVertex.co.z)), 0.0)):
if(abs(uvBuff[i].x - thisUV.x) <= max(1e-09 * max(abs(uvBuff[i].x), abs(thisUV.x)), 0.0)):
if(abs(uvBuff[i].y - thisUV.y) <= max(1e-09 * max(abs(uvBuff[i].y), abs(thisUV.y)), 0.0)):
found = 1
#otherwise stash a new vertex
if found == 0:
faceBuff.append(len(vertBuff)) #index
vertBuff.append(thisVertex) #vertex obj
uvBuff.append(thisUV) #float, float
#Vertex Count
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<Q", len(vertBuff)))
for i in range(len(vertBuff)):
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<f", vertBuff[i].co.x))
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<f", vertBuff[i].co.y))
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<f", vertBuff[i].co.z))
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<f", vertBuff[i].normal.x))
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<f", vertBuff[i].normal.y))
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<f", vertBuff[i].normal.z))
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<f", uvBuff[i].x))
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<f", 1.0 - uvBuff[i].y))
#Vertex Bones/Weights
for gi in range(4):
if gi < len(vertBuff[i].groups):
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<B", FindBIndexByGIndex(mesh, vertBuff[i].groups[gi].group, skeletons)))
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<B", 0xFF))
for gi in range(4):
if gi < len(vertBuff[i].groups):
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<f", vertBuff[i].groups[gi].weight))
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<f", 0.0))
#Index Count
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<Q", len(faceBuff)))
for i in faceBuff:
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<I", i))
ExportSkeletons(bytes, skeletons)
ExportAnimations(bytes, skeletons, animations)
def Write(context, filepath):
f = open(filepath, "wb")
bytes = bytearray()
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<I", 1))
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<I", 0))
bytes.extend(struct.pack("<I", 0))
meshes = []
skeletons = []
animations = bpy.data.actions
for obj in bpy.data.objects:
if obj.type == "MESH":
elif obj.type == "ARMATURE":
WriteMeshes(bytes, meshes, skeletons, animations)
return {'FINISHED'}
class ExportEHM(Operator, ExportHelper):
"""Export to the Event Horizon Model format (.ehm)"""
bl_idname = "export.ehm"
bl_label = "Export EHM"
filename_ext = ".ehm"
filter_glob: StringProperty(
def execute(self, context):
return Write(context, self.filepath)
def menu_func(self, context):
self.layout.operator(ExportEHM.bl_idname, text="Event Horizon Model")
def register():
def unregister():
if __name__ == "__main__":